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Episode 7 | Knowledge Drop: Making Memorable Events

Episodes Release Date: March 10th, 2023

In this episode:

Bri & V take your time today to review their [as usual] philosophical high-level thoughts on memorable event creation, how to add fun & play into events, and particularly the ways getting back into real-life events can be curated in a way to ensure they stand out! Vik chats about the assets she uses to increase engagement in events, with things like prompted cards or having breakout rooms at the forefront of meetings. They discuss the idea of viewing oneself as a facilitator, in addition to a community builder or manager. They go even further by discussing the best ways to guide an experience: authoritatively, emphatically, or some combo of both. Bri even gets into an excellent metaphor bringing back former scenes of her horse riding life [it’s a good one!] that correlate beautifully into creating a recipe list for each event that you lead/are a collaborator of. And as usual, Bri & V somehow find themselves in the space of discussion on self-development and how that relates to them bringing their better and best selves to community leadership. *Stick to the end of the episode for a funny little surprise ;)

Event Creation Recipe Example:

  • Marinade | CLARITY | Purpose of event, where are attendees starting with you and where do you want them to end with you

  • Marinade | Aim for SYNERGY | What are the ways we can have intentional moments that serve the differences in people within this event?

  • Protein | Incorporate RITUAL | What addition can we bring at the start, middle, or end that with bring people back to the point of this particular gathering [whether it be a community, an organization, a small moai, or etc]

  • Spice | Instigate INTERACTIVITY & collaboration | Discern moments where you can add in facilitated prompts or exercises where members can connect around the purpose of the event to integrate their learnings

  • Veggies | Be LIMBER & pliable as much as you can | The health of your event may rely on your ability to be flexible, adaptive, and limber in the face of unexpected shifts. Lean as far in as you can; take the whole bite!

  • Spice | Add any & all the tools you can

  • Veggies | Find the FUN

  • Spice | Reroute to PRESENCE, sacred pause & thoughtfulness as time allows | If you start to feel like you’re talking a lot or it’s feeling stale as a leader, then it’s probably tenfold for your attendees. Take a sacred pause and get everyone to shake it off and bring it back. Maybe seats change, stretches happen, cameras are off for the 60s for a bio break, breakout groups switch up, etc.

Show Notes:

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